Noticias del mundo logístico

News from the world of logistics

#Waypointrecommends: Do you need to reduce fuel costs in your fleet?

Oct 7, 2022

Since fuel costs are one of the largest in the logistics business, we want to give you a few tips on this topic.  

Implement fuel management systems in your fleets

The use of fuel management systems helps you reduce energy costs and increase fleet productivity. We have verified that with CANBUS Telemetry and the integration we have with different fuel suppliers, our clients have more information when it comes to analyzing the costs associated with this issue.  

Reduce speed during worktime

Speeding increases fuel waste. Trucks traveling 120 kilometers per hour instead of 100 kilometers per hour use 50% more fuel; they also emit 100% more carbon monoxide, 50% more hydrocarbons, and 31% more nitrogen oxides.  

Avoid sudden accelerations constantly

Whoever runs saves less than three minutes on 60 minutes travel, but ends up using 40% more fuel and increases toxic emissions by 400%.  

Improve your route planning

30% of customers who use the route planner (Trackview Lite) have been able to increase their productivity, realizing how many vehicles they need for daily management and thus saving fuel on a day-to-day basis.  

Train your drivers

By properly training your drivers, you will help improve the fuel efficiency of your fleet. Clients who have implemented Waypoint driver application, have been able to identify their drivers habits on the field, and if they also have Canbus telemetry, the data they obtain is more efficient, being able to determine which drivers require training to improve their habits.

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